While eating lunch in the cafeteria of Unum’s headquarters, two scholar interns were discussing investments. More specifically, they were talking about how cool it would be to work in Unum’s investments division, even though they (for the most part) deal with bonds. I believe they thought bonds were boring financial products, which is far from the truth. This took the two aspiring financiers into a discussion about stocks and how day trading would be a sweet gig; then, another scholar across the ... Read more
Personal Finance
Why the Caveman is the Ideal of Personal Finance
A question that arises often both in personal finance circles and casual financial discussions is the age old, “What is the safest investment I can make?” The very sight of this question, generates feelings in some with passion as strong as asking them what they think about the president. If one person says real estate is the safest investment, another will retort with, “but what if the housing market crashes?” If another person says the stock market, someone else will ask, “but what if the ... Read more