Recently while listening to music, I was interrupted by a Twitter ad that went something like this, “Do you have FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out? With Twitter you can be a part of the action always and always stay up to date, so you never have to worry about FOMO again.” This initially struck me as a ridiculous ad. Not that I thought it wasn’t effective - I for a quick second felt a strange urge to check my virtually non-existent twitter feed after hearing it, but because it’s a bit like giving an ... Read more
On the Human Capacity for “Us vs. Them”
It’s just another day and down the hall I can hear a bit of the usual one-sided political debate going on. The type of back and forth that consists of multiple people with similar views getting angry, or at least highly antagonistic, at hypothetical people of a certain belief system, for whom they create responses. “Can you believe the [insert politically-affiliated-group]'s actually say that? They actually think [blank] isn’t racist. But if you flip it around, if we had a [blank] that would be ... Read more